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6 Stages of Pathfinder Literacy


Updated: Jul 11, 2024

What is Pathfinder Literacy?

Pathfinder Literacy is an online class with me, Ganaia. I'm the one in the picture with the white lace shirt. And that's my friend, Pepper, next to me with feathers in her hair.

I'm a Pathfinder—and I'll tell you more about that later—but for now, all you need to know is this: Test driving Chevy cargo vans is my new source of joy because it supports my vision for traveling, camping, farming, singing, writing, cooking, teaching, publishing, and Pathfinding.

Improving your writing and creativity has never been more fun. My classes are for children ages 12-18 as well as adult learners or parents. Whether you choose to write poetry, stories, essays, directions, articles, blogs, or something else, the focus is on the creative process.

6 Stages of Pathfinder Literacy

1. Express Your Interests: Imagine using index cards to jot down and organize everything you love—from science and art to quirky passions like cartoons or rock music. It’s like mapping out what makes you tick and then playing Scrabble with all the pieces.

2. Find Your Focus: Through fun activities and chats, you get to zoom in on specific areas within your interests. It’s about digging deep into what really grabs your attention and makes you wonder or what really makes you motivated to take action.

3. Collect Questions: In Pathfinder Literacy, questions big and small are all collected. You’re encouraged to collect those juicy questions to reflect on how many questions can be answered by Google and how many questions can only be answered by you.

4. Learn from Trailblazers: Ever wondered about pioneers like Leonardo da Vinci or Marie Curie? They’re your guides to thinking outside the box. Find out more about how Pathfinders that inspire you shaped their lives and have shaped our world.

5. Craft Your Own Projects: To cultivate your vision, you’ll sketch out projects that reflect your dreams. You’ll consider what materials you need, what tasks are involved, and who or what can be referenced for help. Whether it’s creating art from trash or dreaming up sustainable saunas, the sky’s the limit.

6. Reflect on Your Process: Whether you thrive on clear prompts or prefer to chart your own course, the Pathfinder index card game brings a dynamic structure to support brainstorming, designing, and prioritizing projects, as well as reflecting on efficiency, balance, and routine.

Discover Your Process

These six stages are a suggested structure for my Pathfinders to discover their own unique process. Pathfinder Literacy is an opportunity to transform your education into an adventure. Every step is designed to sharpen your literacy skills and broaden your scope.

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